• 4 Maps

    This campaign takes place in Prague, Czech Republic during the onset of the apocalypse. Players will have to travel across the city through 4 different districts in order to reach the last remaining evacuation point. IT'S RECOMMENDED ...

  • 3 Maps
    Kimchi Zombie

    This is my second piece. And this is 3 map Co-op Campaign based on Korea landscape. Each of the 3 maps is challenging and will not be easy to beat. Maybe you feel like that every map is like a finale map. I want you to struggle in t...

  • Map
    Sweet Budapest

    This map is based on the Hungarian city of Budapest. There is only one map, but the map is large and consists of 4 big events. 1: panic event in square until gate opens. 2: Find unlocking button for locked door in building 3: cross...

  • Map
    Exhausted Dead Life 2

    Exhausted Dead Life 2 - Ride Gone BotNav - Improved/fix it (if they got stuck they will teleport to you) Converted from BSP Files to VPK Nav minor adjustments to (S.I) Prevented (S.I) to get stuck Added/Fixed some props Fix it so...

    • Archived

Browsing 'Campaign Addon' Maps

There are 7 results.
  • 4 Maps

    This campaign takes place in Prague, Czech Republic during the onset of the apocalypse. Players will have to travel across the city through 4 different districts in order to reach the last remaining evacuation point. IT'S RECOMMENDED ...

  • Map
    Exhausted Dead Life 2

    Exhausted Dead Life 2 - Ride Gone BotNav - Improved/fix it (if they got stuck they will teleport to you) Converted from BSP Files to VPK Nav minor adjustments to (S.I) Prevented (S.I) to get stuck Added/Fixed some props Fix it so...

    • Archived
  • 3 Maps
    Kimchi Zombie

    This is my second piece. And this is 3 map Co-op Campaign based on Korea landscape. Each of the 3 maps is challenging and will not be easy to beat. Maybe you feel like that every map is like a finale map. I want you to struggle in t...

  • Map
    Sweet Budapest

    This map is based on the Hungarian city of Budapest. There is only one map, but the map is large and consists of 4 big events. 1: panic event in square until gate opens. 2: Find unlocking button for locked door in building 3: cross...


End of results.