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Jail Breakout

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    - Everything as far as the add-on image and loading poster works and is set up correctly. 
    - Perfect level of difficulty.
    - Good amount of supplies.
    - It looks and feels really good in game, a good amount of detail and effort went into making this for sure.
    - Fun to play, it's gotta be fun haha.
    - Decent storyline, makes sense.
    - The floating, burning, paper debris that seemed to come around, added a pleasant touch.
    - Navigation mesh is near perfect.


    - Should have put an ammo spawn on each prison level maybe, or scattered more weapons along them.
    - Could have used more details and props in the cells themselves, every other place in the map is good though.
    - The minigun could have been placed in a better location, or possibly added a second minigun.


    - This is a fun map, one of the first custom Left 4 Dead maps I ever played, and I played this what feels like dozens of times, with a best time of just over eight  minutes. For a small, light prison map, it's very well created and detailed. The difficulty isn't too hard, or easy, I would say it's just about perfect for anyone. The navigation mesh seemed just about perfectly made, except for the bots though, but that has nothing to do with your map aha. Overall, fun and entertaining map, for what it is.

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Version 1.1 Complete

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