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Surrounded by the dead

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  • - Bl[a]Ze
    - Bl[a]Ze

    Posted this review



    + Decent ammo & weapon usage. 
    + Nice setting.
    + The lighting was perfect.
    + Decent size for a three map campaign.
    + Car escape at the end of level 2 was awesome.
    + Nice textures / models.


    - Didn't find any maxed weapons on the 3rd level, only found 2 ammo caches. {Was enough}
    - Finale 
    - Zombie spawn points


    All in all, not the worst map I've played. I liked the custom models like the cars, those were pretty cool.  The setting of the finale was okay. But the finale itself was terrible. There were no moltovs or pipe bombs, no defending spots. Like two of them, and they both require sitting in a corner, not very fun. Very tight area. Tanks didn't have a chance because all of our FOVs were set to him due to the lack of space. And the boat, it's original, but it also looks like the boat did nothing while we were fighting the horde. It wasn't fueling or anything. Just sat there and when the last Tank was dead, it moved up as yard or two. The zombie spawn points; they aren't nice at all. When I say this I mean that the zombies are either spawning right in front of you or around the corner from you. I personally think this map needs more work, on the finale, zombies, and lack of weapons and ammo on level 3. There was enough ammo on level 3, just lack of weapons.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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Version 2.0 Final

