Reviews for Lost v2 Fixed

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    • Original_recipe21

      Posted this review


      some safehouse is empty

      the map was awesome i say but,, when you reach the next map after you ride the truck, the next safe house doesn't have a medkit, which is messed up, cuz its not easy to find some Medkit..
      thats my only problem..

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • ShadowAce790

      Posted this review


      It's an ok map

      I personally think that the game could use a little more direction, but the level was an ok level, theres nothing i hate more though than the fact of having places in the level that look like they are safe to enter but just end up being insta-death, plus with all the water being murky its really hard to tell a differentiation on what might be a safe path and wont kill you, perhapse something like a little construction fence or something to just show you dont wanna go in there or something would make it better than being mis-lead in there and have a group suicide because the computers are only limited to the knowledge of shooting and following, so they just join you in any death pit you fall into.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Noire-Chan

      Posted this review


      Simple gameplay, map design and almost bug-free campaign

      Played this with a friend and two bots. Early chapter wasn't my very liking, swampy and slow although the water wasn't even that deep. The bots did great on killing infected and picking up items, so I have to say that it went very smooth without any bugs. Some might say this one is a bit boring, mostly because the designs are too simple. I don't have any problem with that, I like simple stuff as long as it's bug free. What's funny is I did drown in the drain though, weird that I died instantly after jumping into the drain without even having the opportunity to swim, it was my fault, mostly... lol.
      For people who were encountering horders problem though, it's not the campaign problem, mostly because of external addons people installed, as I played this through the end without no major bug, except for the finale. None of the hordes were spawning during the defend scene that we decided to restart the chapter with a server command, but nonetheless it didn't cause too much trouble. Finale space was a bit small, but staying up on the buildings was a good way for defending.
      The silent boss spawns were a bit challenging, bots did encounter them perfectly and the map routing was decent so there's plenty of space to run. Unlike the other L4D2 campaigns you'll find, the environment is eye-friendly, not too bright and not too dark, with a bit of rain and fog.
      I'll give my ratings based on how playable it is and how well we played through it.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Cravenge

      Posted this review



      From the comments I've read, some of them like silent tanks spawn adds more thrills to the players or even scare them if one has spawned near.
      1. Always happen in finale, when using plugins that spawns extra survivors and even when using only 4 by default, they spawn under the saferoom and then results to mission losses over and over again until they all spawn in saferoom.
      2. Map design was not my liking. Some where just bland, few look like empty.
      3. Finale map had a very short space/room to hold off especially when more zombies spawn from different rooms.
      4. If you stay close to one of the rooms, no zombies will spawn there through the end but they will in others.
      5. Paths/Routing should have been hard but not to get easily lost.
      1. Silent boss spawns.
      2. Invisible blocks in staircases so players could find the right way to go and shut the alarm off.
      3. Weather.
      It could have been better if L4D1 survivors set was used to this campaign and remake the finale so that the rescue vehicle would be like the one at the beginning of Dead Center, making it look like L4D1 were rescued first while L4D2 was left at the hotel's roof.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • I see cravenge. Usually this campaign is only for 4 players. Some of the other custom campaign may not be suitable for more than 4 players.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      No working vpk included.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • ProJapeHD

      Posted this review


      3 stars = OK

      Map was kinda great to play, the swamp area at start was quite boring and slow to playing because characters can't run, finale was ok I guess? they just spawned from 1 position and later the hordes just stopped and the rescue didn't come.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

End of results.