Reviews for Dead Ride.(Red Sea) Port l4d1

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    • Godzio

      Posted this review


      Dead Ride.(Red Sea) Port l4d1

      Zbyc ciemna mapa brak widocznosci wielki minus .zagralem 2 map zniechecila czym sie sugerowal 
      tworca ale lekko wyobraznia poniosla jesli chodzi o widocznosc map nota 0

      Edited: 9 days ago

    • VoteCrowley1661

      Posted this review



      Yet another STOLEN campaign from the workshop without the original creator's permission.
      Huck v3 still going strong.
      • you're just a nonentity who can't create anything. Just scratching your tongue) Just miserable)
    • AmazingNep02

      Posted this review


      Only original is map 1, beside that its just copy/paste essentially with 0 originality

      Map 1 was fun, could use a lot more ammo, didn't see any and I explored everywhere. Map 2, cookie cutter of No Mercy 1, 3-5 cookie cutter of crash course. It's like mapper said after map 1 "This hammer stuff is hard, LETS LAZY OUT" instead of taking a break maybe and make 2-5 more original. Not that hard of a map either but mostly due to it being copy/paste maps
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      A strange campaign indeed. Chapter 1 is a wonderful chapter with some really well thought out level design that could be an official map, I honestly have no complaints about it. Then it gets weird; chapter 2 is a modified reversed No Mercy chapter 1, which is neat because it has you take some inaccessible areas. The bots wont follow you if you take the bus shortcut at the very beginning, they'll opt to take the long way around. Chapter 3 and onwards is literally just a reverse version of Crash Course, and I think the maps are from "Crash Course Modified", don't quote me on that, but I do remember playing this maps in some campaign before, I forgot what it was called though. Either way there's a lot of director bosses (witches and tanks) on these chapters, for some reason on chapter 3 you're allowed to keep pressing the button to open the gate even if it's already opened so you can summon infinite hordes if you really want to. The finale is quite frankly a joke, as you can just sit in the office room and be invincible as both doors cannot be broken down.  The navmesh is also really sketchy here as the bots like to take long routes and warp past cars for example, and have trouble getting to the rescue vehicle. Oh and I forgot to mention that chapter 3 has some invisible objects just like the campaign these maps are originally from(?) Just weird.

End of results.