Reviews for Ruination

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    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review



      Medium-average campaign with horror atmosphere (even though it's not scary at all XD). The design is a bit lazy - the second and third maps have extremly similar layout. Also, you can get lost easily on the second map because... Gosh, who can see the "ladder" in such a dark area?

      Edited: 7 days ago

    • luubinh109

      Posted this review



      Nice short campaign (30-40 mins)
      Witch jumscare got me
    • ding

      Posted this review



      2nd chapter: Pointless (too many)"jumpscares" that are neither funny nor scary just enough to get on your nerve if you restart this( and believe me you will). Pointless infinite horde in the last section and barely noticeable ladder to saferoom after the barely-making-sense maze made of fallen trees. sewer section is almost unplayable because you cant shove crouching zombies in this game. last time I play this thing
      rest of the maps are meh
    • EshmawyMan

      Posted this review


      Thank You! First Campaign and amazing Job! My review + some hints

      It was a masterpiece that i really enjoyed. First of all, i managed to finish this campaign playing it for the first time on Expert Single Player Mode in only 1 hour & 38 minutes with 5 Restarts :) Bots helped for a bit, but it was a nightmare L0L. 
      Chapter 1 : finished it from the first time and loved how streets ups there looked like and i ran like crazy lost head XD throwing the bile behind me and was surprised by the fact that entering the castle standing by the gate inside made me enter the safe room and just starts the next chapter by having all bots with me standing in the same spot. ( something new and unique) 
      Chapter 2 : Was a real hell XD and i restarted it 4 times. Loved the jump scares and visuals showing up from time to time i was literally WTF and the scene of witch crawling and coming to me from ceiling was XD i was screaming and laughing at the same time and i am considered alone playing with just bots lol. The sound of tank picking up a rock was another sound effect to creep survivors out XD and it got me. Same goes for the scene of hunter who was waiting up there when you get up on the ladder from water right after the panic event of zombies jumping on you from those 4 holes. It was a lie and hunter wasn't there XD Really genius! managed to know where to go and loved the campfire that started the horde and i wonder if the horde wouldn't start that way till the safe room in case i don't burn that gas can to start the campfire so that i continue on my way in peace till i get to the safe room XD i will give it another try to see. A hint that i keep following whenever i play and whatever campaign i play and even for the first time for sure so that i can find where to go next is to see from where special infected come as they always come from the direction of where you should go to get to your safe room :) Sometimes it doesn't work well, but such a hint will give some help. That way helped me know where to go trying the first block ladder as smoker was running from me and climbed that ladder and it was funny. Afterwards, while running and fighting in pitch black way to safe room, without turning on the generator as i didn't know that it can work for it wasn't highlighted, found that body of bill and some supplies as i found a bile candy bomb to use and run hopelessly trying to find where to go next until i found by the end of the way to left another block ladder XD and looked up there to see the safe room waiting <3 was such a victory and all bots were alive and hordes glitched with Rochelle climbing that ladder XD had to burn them all with Molotov so that i have Rochelle up coming to safe room  [ was so afraid a nasty smoker grabs me lol ]  Finding up to 3 corpses of Bill was funny and it can be considered a mistake to repeat the same body everywhere, but not in a haunted castle like that as it can be teleporting everywhere out of a certain curse XD Loved it.
      Chapter 3 : Loved the fact it was the same castle we suffered going through in the night to play it again during the daylight. First of all, one should explore the whole area where the finale is gonna be to make certain hideout or spot for survivors from which we can fight zombies along with specials without suffering with ammo and with the least losses of HP for sure. So i made my way and i don't know why many comments down there [ Read all reviews & comments from first review or commentary by the author to the last review before mine ] complaining they couldn't find the radio or whatever to start the finale which was funny as they didn't want to search and wanted it all to be highlighted XD I recalled some screenshots from memory of something looking like a radio i passed by during the tough night in the previous chapter and could easily find the radio and also found my spot where i would fight from and none got hit :) The best strategy is to open the generator and run with bots through the narrow tunnel to that spot up there by the very beginning of chapter 2 close to ammo bile and a grenade will be waiting too lol . Fighting tanks was pretty easy as one should know from where the tank is coming to burn it with one Molotov and keep another one for the second tank as usual. I and bots just had to run in a circle i drew in my mind around the castle while the poor burning tank is chasing us till it's down. Bots navigation was Great Except for that ladder i climb from water down there as they can get stuck there easily which drove me crazy and had to move away in different directions to set them free from that damned spot right above the ladder. 
      I had to restart the finale only once and my fellow commentators here can know why XD because the helicopter came and surprised the hell outta me as it had to land there on the other side of castle which was a tough way to there and bots all got incapacitated and i fought my way alone till i got to graveyard and thought all hordes were behind me to get surprised by hordes coming to me and couldn't right click all of them and hated the fact i died that way.
      Next time i was ready to fight the second tank moving around and closer to the graveyard and be fully ready for any hordes coming from any way to me and bots and it was pretty cool and terrifying to wait for the helicopter took few seconds to come and it was like forever in case tank comes and screws it all with zombies, but thankfully they all spawned mostly on the other side of the castle and took so long to get to us XD 
      Great as your first map Really creative and was a real challenge to me as i usually play alone :) Wish to see more of your haunted work around again XD i feel there are some works out, but will take a while till i dig into it again as i got a certain order of campaigns with certain rating. Thanks again!
    • kurochama

      Posted this review


      Good one, as long as players know how to handle cop zombie

      Trying to play this, & it took 52 minutes for me to finish this campaign. Actually, there are two main difficulties. The first one is the frequent panic event. The second one is the lack of guides provided. There are some jumpscares that can surprise players in quick shock, but they're harmless. I got thrilled when a witch jumpscare was coming.
      Map 1 is kind of short. There's no supply in the beginning of map 1, but there are some scattered at some locations ahead. The endless horde attacks happen near the end of map 1.
      Map 2 has higher difficulty. What makes it difficult is because of the frequent panic event at certain areas & no guide. There are some tricky ladders on this map, in which players will meet a dead end when they can't figure out the ladders. My clue is, look at the walls carefully during exploring the map. Then, the real challenge happens when survivors have to crouch at a watery path below the ruins in order to proceed. The endless panic events are triggered at certain location, & some cop zombies are included in the horde. Crouching zombies have no effect in bashing during crouching, so the cop zombies are automatically immune from attack from the front. There's a trick though, but based on luck. If lucky, either on map 1 or during exploring map 2, you can find incendiary/ explosive ammo packs. Equip the gun with that ammo, & preserve it till the crouching moment. The ideal choice of primary weapon is either any smgs or rifle, as those weapons have 50 ammo in one magazine. Set the mouse to be able to shot a single shot, either by a special button on a gaming mouse or by mouse wheel. Just use the incendiary/ explosive ammo on the cop zombies, & use secondary or melee to other zombies. Or, you can use vomitjar found on early locations (if lucky), throw it somewhere & leave that crouching area as soon as possible. There is a labyrinth area too, & there's a tricky ladder at this area (check my clue about the tricky ladders to find the ladder).
      Map 3 or the finale is the most frustrating, due to no guide for the rescue location. The location of the radio is easy to find, as it's just a revisited map from map 2. There are some good spots to camp, including a closed room with only two ways out. After 2nd tank is dead, it will be a hell if survivors can't find the rescue location soon, because the endless panic events mixed with special infected & one tank per kill will be triggered. Well, there are 2 clues for me to help from frustration. One is, you stay near the ruins where the radio is located after the 2nd Tank is dead, you're more likely to die. Two is, memorize the areas before starting the finale event, & you can also go back to the starting point to track back every possible path, & one of them is the rescue location.
      In overalls, it's a short but challenging campaign. It can also be frustrating due to the frequent horde attack, some areas that give the horde great benefit, & the lack of guides. I checked the bot navigations, but there's no problem as they worked well. I suspected certain bot mods causing the bot navigation errors, because when I tested with my own "Survivor Bots" mod with only one cvar command to make bots stay closer to players or without that mod, bots worked well. In short, this short campaign is good, as long as players are prepared for things on map 2 & map 3 I mentioned above. I'm keeping this in my addons folder to play with friends later.
    • Mz Cookies
      Mz Cookies

      Posted this review



      - randomised jumpscare events, pretty cool!
      - Attempt at keeping the horror theme alive
      - Dialogue
      - Way too dark, generators weren't lit up... hard to tell if they'd light up the map like the 'hint' says
      - Map 2 has ENDLESS HORDE in the maze making expert impossible
      - THAT MAZE in map 2 is dumb... the way out is a ladder which is almost impossible to spot... not to mention with endless horde
      - As mentioned above, don't even bother with expert difficulty, even playing on easy was a drag
      - Finale has almost no supplies with such a wide open space
      - No actual events. Horde is just triggered pretty much constantly
      Very disappointed in this campaign. It has some great, unique and fun ideas with the randomised jumpscares especially those involving witches however its just very poorly executed. Lack of supplies, textures, light, endless hordes... no real events
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Perfect campaign. Great map design. No botnav errors. Nice horror atmosphere. No glitches/bugs. There was a small optimization issue near the rescue vehicle, but I'll let it slide. Nice work. And also, could be a bit clearer where to go but it wasn't that bad.
    • Zetnus

      Posted this review



      - Includes a castle
      - Jump scares


      - Map 2 is way too dark and has no indication of which way to go
      - Constant hordes make it impossible to find your way through the darkness
      - Some of the scares can go unnoticed due to excessive hordes


      This was a good attempt to make some maps that are actually scary, but the constant hordes kind of ruin it.  It would be ok to have darkness or constant hordes on their own, but both together is a bad combination.
    • jn31

      Posted this review





      too easy


      nice map! I like it!
      • make it on Expert playing it for the first time and i guess you would change your mind
    • annyloves

      Posted this review



      Scary atmosphere (just the 1, 2 map).
      Random jump scares


      Too many zombies, looks like survival
      No direction sense
      Too dark


      The last map was the hardest for me, i couldnt find a way to get out of there. Too many zombies getting in my way, and i think the last stage was a little confunsing for me.. i mean, i dont know if was just me but my sky was pink and black, like... what? didnt get it. I enjoy it anyway. 
    • kingderpinIII

      Posted this review



      Eerie atmosphere (Map 2)
      Nice lighting
      Ability to light campfire
      Random jump scares 
      Those random team messages


      Too many hordes
      Too short
      Finale too easy
      Could make "ladders" more easy too fine
      A little too dark (Doesn't matter though I use a mod to make my flashlight brighter)


      This campaign was interesting, but when the constant hordes start showing up it seriously ruins the whole creepy 
      atmosphere. Regardless though, I enjoyed playing through this campaign.     
    • Valentine_Wong

      Posted this review



      - Creepy atmosphere
      - Scary random events


      - Endless hordes
      - The chapter 2 is oo dark to see anything 
      - The stone ladder is "invisible" at least you could put arrows 
      - No arrows to know the right way


      - It´s a good map but the excessive darkness with the endless hordes makes this map unplayable, you should fix this two problems. The rest for me was good, specially the random wtf moments that scared the hell out of me
    • Wild0206

      Posted this review



      -Creepy atmosphere
      -Expansive feel to it
      -Nightmare events add scariness 
      -Nice environments


      -No hints for direction
      Stone ladders should be a bit more defined visually
      -Lack of areas to hold out in finale
      -Few ammo piles


      This was fun to play with a group, what with working out where to go. It can get tedious without hints, though. The general feel of the map is nice, as are the events that occur. However, I think it would be better if every player saw them, as a regular chat message was 'Did you see that?!'
      I can say I did enjoy this map, even if the helicopter did crush us at the end of the finale.
    • darkmantis

      Posted this review



      Good maps / level design
      nice maze map
      plenty of hordes
      plenty of tanks


      not enough throwables
      not enough ammo
      couldn't find out where the rescue is and died.
      Wish it would have been 4 maps instead of 3


      The map maze is irritating as heck. Stone ladders should be more defined. I will say, I had to back track through the maze and turned on the generator and then I was able to see the last area where I was missing by the stone ladder. Perhaps, author would put arrows in areas that are hard to see because it's PITCH BLACK!! :)  Also, when the rescue arrived, endless hordes and NO HEALTH anywhere in that building. No ammo either. Man, give us supplies! Couldn't find out how and where the rescue is.. We all died trying to find it in the endless hordes. I'm deleting this map in my rotation until it's fixed. great potential, but not up to complete par just yet.
    • The-Medic

      Posted this review



      Great atmosphere
      Nice building structures
      Map 2 Scare scenes
      Good NAV
      Good lighting
      Good scripted events
      Chatbox idea
      Randomized scare scripts
      Fun Finale
      Fair supplies
      Good crescendo events in map 1


      Map 1: 
      Very linear
      Map 2: 
      Excessive horde usage
      No sense of direction
      Ladder is not a ladder
      Map 3:
      Should have used a 'Dawn' skybox
      Finale was difficult
      No glowing radio
      Difficult to reach the helicopter on the other side
      Spots were tanks have difficulty reaching
      No build up to finale


      A fun campaign and a really good job for a first - certainly re-playable but has many 'simple' mistakes which can be fixed up in order to make the campaign far more enjoyable.  
    • Doktor Haus
      Doktor Haus

      Posted this review



      - Cool setting and atmosphere, especially on map 1. Very dark and ominous.
      - Scary scripted events in map 2.
      - There's aren't really any major issues in map 1.


      - Infinitely spawning massive hordes. It's tolerable in map 1, but from that point on it's completely ridiculous and rage inducing.
      - Lack of direction. You have to figure out what to do and where to go by yourself, and that takes quite a while considering there are no arrows or other obvious signs to lead you in one direction. This makes the finale event extremely frustrating and confusing. In fact, we ended up at the opposite end of the map from where we needed to be in the finale. That shouldn't even be possible.
      - The "ladders" were easily missed by everyone with which I've played this map. There either needs to be a traditional ladder there or arrows pointing to it, something.
      - Scripted events (at least some of them) only effect the first player entering the area.
      - Map 3 is little more than a day version of the previous map, which feels lazy, especially considering practically all of map 2 can still be accessed at that point.


      Really, if it wasn't for the endlessly spawning hordes and lack of instructions, this wouldn't be so bad. Those things alone drag this campaign way, way down.
    • mild

      Posted this review



      Original script events, would be scary if playing alone.
      Artistic touch on the water details. 


      Tier 1 weapons too far from start
      Excessive horde spawns
      Safe house for level 1 out in the open
      Zero direction on "maze" event


      Even playing with a friend, I found this campaign to be tedious.
      Starting off without tier 1 weapons is not a big deal, provided you don't have to fight constant special spawns before you reach them. We killed 7 specials before getting subbies. Not a big deal unless 4 of them are chargers in a narrow/zero movement corridor.
      In the first map there were a ton of .50 cal HMGs to use, but the horde was always rushing from the other direction (atmosphere maybe?)
      Excessive rushes from step 1 outside the safe house, every 45 seconds. Offset slightly by a lot of weapon spawns after the subway station. Jesus Christ do you need them. 
      First safe room made zero sense at all. If standing out side in the middle of a zombie apocalypse is your idea of safe, maybe you worked for CEDA.
      Sense you mentioned you learned HAMMER for the purpose of making an article for it, I won't bash the idea of a castle in North America,  (if it's else where, I saw no indication of the survivors being in another country). But having a script to startle your audience is usually done better when you don't have waves of infected punching their faces in.
      I personally triggered the first "witch attack" event, and shoved out of reflex and it was gone, leaving me to focus on the infected and not even give it a second thought. Same thing with the witch on the ceiling, I would have shot at her if not for fighting infected.
      "Maze" event utterly irritating. Infected dropped on us nonstop. I figure you use triggers to cause them to spawn when we reached certain areas, but this proved too much when trying to find our way around. We had rushes for 10+ minutes. When we reached the end of the maze (or as far as we got in it), we became stuck trying to fend off the horde. 
      Too much effort on our side for no real pay off. 
    • Whiie

      Posted this review



      Creepy in the first maps
      Really dark in the first maps
      Pretty and realistic looking


      Tanks and Jockeys should not spawn together
      Extreme lack of supplies in the finale


      This is indeed a really good campaign, and is one of the few only L4D2 campaigns that can be considered ''scary''. One thing that annoys me is the fact that jockeys and tanks spawn at the same time in the finale, which makes it really hard if you don't take out the Jockey immediately. There's also only a very few throwables and weapons to pick up in the finale. Still, because of the creepy events and detailed mapping, it ends up at 81. I'd love to see more maps of this kind.
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      + Awesome details.
      + Castle was looking very realistic.
      + Scare events were really scary.
      + First map had a very good atmosphere.
      + Traps.
      + One has to think what to do next.
      + Map 2 had a maze level.


      - Map 2 was too difficult with all the horde events.
      - Finale was too difficult aswell.
      - Not enough tanks, especially for map 1.
      - Not enough equipment and supplies in the finale.
      - The maze level was really difficult.
      - Wasn't able to get to the chopper, even on easy.
      - Not acceptable difficulty.
      - Got boring sometimes.
      - No use of dialogues.
      - No defib unit available in the finale and I really could need one.
      - It didn't make sense where the survivors stranded and also why.


      Yeah this campaign was actually good. It had nice concepts and the idea was solid too. But the finale somehow ruined the whole gameplay, because of its difficulty and because of the missing equipment and supplies. But I have to say, this is pretty good for a first try! Keep up that work!
    • Mr. Smoke125
      Mr. Smoke125

      Posted this review



      -Nice scare events
      -Witch crawling on the celing, really freaked me out
      -Chatbox typing on it's own
      -Voices calling for help.
      -Good idea.
      -Gave me a scare :D


      -No direction or any hints, kept getting lost.
      -2nd map horde was frustrating 
      -Subway and the maze could use more lighting, it was a little to dark for my taste.
      -At finale, no clue where the chopper landed
      -It could use another map or two, it was short.
      -Stone ladders were really hard to see, perhaps add a lamp or a camp fire.


      The 1st map was good, but could use more light.  2nd map needs more directional arrows and  lighting,  it was annoying fighting constant hordes and finding a stone ladder in pitch black darkness!  At finale, no clue where the chopper landed, perhaps maybe add a wall with a hole and walk through a field?
      Overall, it was a pretty good map with great ideas!  It actually felt like I was in the ruins of a city.  

End of results.