Reviews for Dead Vacation (L4D1)

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Финал всё портит.

      Такие шикарные первые четыре главы, и такой ужасный (в плохом смысле) финал.
      + очень крутое и креативное вступление;
      + красивейшие текстуры на первых четырёх главах;
      + много внимания уделено мелким деталям;
      + выжившие часто переговариваются между собой, а так же подсказывают куда идти (например: - "Вверх по лестнице!" и т.д.);
      + всегда в достатке молотовых, пайп и таблеток;
      + необычное убежище в конце первой главы.
      - на второй главе бывает проседание ФПС, особенно на ивенте с бочками;
      - в некоторых местах сильно нехватает патронов;
      - боты очень часто отстают от игрока;
      - самый большой МИНУС - совершенно идиотская концовка! Это просто ужас, отсиживаться толком негде (зомбаки прут отовсюду), абсолютно ненужное строительство баррикад и пулемётов. А когда прилетает вертолёт, я так и не понял что надо сделать, просто тыкал во всё, что подсвечивалось, и с трудом нашёл лестницу по которой надо залезать, и всё это под огромные волны, вперемешку с особыми заражёнными и танками. Причём, как только я залез, меня тут же вытянул из вертолёта курильщик, при этом бот Зои тоже залезла в вертолёт и улетела одна, титры при этом пошли, и игра считалась завершённой, даже учитывая что игрок погиб.
      Потрясающие четыре главы, и такое г...о в концовке. Очень разочаровывающая кампания. Прошёл за 53 минуты.

      Edited: 1 month ago

    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      One Of Perfect Campaigns

      Dead Island
      Very cool and descent environments
      Very fantastic and special atmosphere
      Overall dynamic map design/detail
      Unique textures/elements
      Map 4
      Overall fun play
      Perfect ammo/weapon/item setting
      Overall Proper map balance
      Perfect bot's NAV/AI
      No bugs/glitches
      Lot of empty areas
      A bit poor hordes and short map length
      Bots get stuck at some ladders
    • Mr_Sangheili

      Posted this review


      Very satisfying

      The amount of detail the author took into remaking the campaign is simply insane. From the cutscenes, the boomer spawns, the overall map layout, and the dynamic world is simply... insane.
      Though I will admit, there were some things I didn't like. Voice acting was kind of funny, and bots seemed to get stuck in certain areas (usually next to a table, a ladder). But the author took advantage of his voice acting and the survivor lines to create a unique conversation that I otherwise haven't seen in any map I've played.
      Even if you're not a fan of Dead Island, or haven't played the game, please, download this campaign. Even the finale alone is worth downloading it, which I won't spoil.
    • Cross_CJR

      Posted this review


      Great Map

      Lots of nice details Interesting areas. Pretty tough in some areas. Great finale. My only complaint, which is just a nitpick, is that the turret placements in the finale feel a bit pointless. A lot of the turret locations don't feel like they point in the directions that zombies will come from and leave you very vulnerable. Especially when you're playing with bots. Again that's just a nitpick.
    • geminisaga27

      Posted this review



      - Extremely well detailed
      - Custom models and textures everywhere
      - Superb lighting and atmosphere
      - Too much survivors dialog
      - Creative events


      - Minor ones...


      I can see you are a great mapper. Maps are very much detailed, ambient lighting is very well applied. Better than many Valve maps in my opinion. Variety in textures, lights and sounds from start to end. I can't see a better L4D1 homage than this campaign. 
      Some events are too creative that can be confuse for some players. But creativity overcames confusion. And you could put some music or sound in elevator to indicate that it is working.
    • Dohbotcookie

      Posted this review



      Lots of action!
      very similar to dead island
      almost thought it was dead island
      NPC were good


      tank was tanky but hey thats what he do.


      Lots of fun with friends or just by yourself.
    • Megadude

      Posted this review



      *Very good gameplay.
      *Tons of detail.
      *Longer maps than usual.
      *Interesting and original crescendo events.
      *No bugs or nav issues that I could see.


      *Looked a bit strange during the intro when the helicopter moved from side to side but the turrets stayed stil. They even went through the walls of the helicopter a few times.
      *Some vents right next to each other  in the kitchens had different colour reflections. Probably a cubemap issue.
      *When  a tank appeared after the elevator event in the hotel, it just stayed in a vent until we killed it. It didn't make any attempt to leave.
      *Finale radio voice was very loud when right next to it but very quiet when just a few feet away.


      One of the best L4D campaigns there is. Tons of work and attention has clearly gone into this. This is better than probably all of the official campaigns.
    • chewaz

      Posted this review



      dead island them
      very detailed maps
      good bot nav better then most custom maps
      looks alot like some of the dead isand areas like the sewers and the computer server room 


      needs some more ammo on the 4 map 
      weres the beach ! needs the beach ?


      a very detailed custom campaign look alot like dead island in most of the maps  good bot nav cool opening start to the campaign good voice acting felt real to me all in all a very well done custom campaign thank you for the hard work.
    • izakruud

      Posted this review



      -Brilliantly recreates "Dead Island"s resort casino building, to a point where I, at times, knew exactly where I was and where I was headed.
      -Detailed environment. You won't feel like this was just slapped together and not worth your time.
      -Awesome scripted moments. SPOILER IF YOU DON'T WANNA SEE SKIP TO NEXT PRO. At the end the plane crash seemed realistic and the building falling was brilliant.
      -Epic ending!
      -Limited supplies. Which IS good because that's exactly what you aim for in survival horror but see why it's also a con.
      -Felt like the story was real, and the voice acting was awesome as well. Most of these campaigns feel like it doesn't make sense but the intro and the ending made this one stick out from the rest.


      -Confusing navigation- For the most part I knew where I was going (as I have played dead island) but even I didn't know which way to go sometimes. It's more of an inconvenience than a con. But I thought it deserved a mention. 
      -Limited supplies- I listed this as a con too because it is ok and decent challenge to limit it on easy and normal... but hard and expert is nearly IMPOSSIBLE due to the lack of supplies. Will take a very good player to get through this on expert!
      [Possible spoiler, skip to next point if you don't wanna spoil the campaign.]-The end was very very shaky after the building fell which is good because that's probably the most realistic way you could have. But I couldn't move very well and it was frustrating]
      -Anyone who has played dead island will know exactly what he/she is doing & going. Which isn't necessarily bad... But it is a con that I have seen this before. 


      Even though you aren't missing anything if you've played dead island, I think this is one of the most brilliant custom campaigns I have played. It has all the survival horror aspect that you would want. Claustrophobic environments, Sense of urgency, pitch black areas, limited supplies and a pretty great story. I think this campaign would be great for anyone & everyone. With the great ratings this already had I have to say I got out of it exactly what I thought a would... A damn good time. 10/10 no question. 
      IZAKRUUD SAYS... It's a must play!
    • CoachnChocolate

      Posted this review



      -Great ending when the building comes down on the hotel 


      -it should have one for L4D2 


      Great Campaign I cant stop playing it There should be a dead vacation for L4D2 please make one 
    • ladirection

      Posted this review



      The sewer level is probably the most impressive custom level I have played, very well done!
      The helicopter with the mini guns at the beginning is a very nice touch.
      The windows that can be boarded up in the finally is a pretty cool idea too, I'm surprised it isn't used in campaigns more often.


      The hotel level is very bland and repetitive.
      I didn't find the overall campaign or finally to be that exciting. 


      You added many little touches here and there that sets this campaign apart from most L4D 1 user campaigns. I still felt it was lacking a little something to really bring it up to the top tier but it's definitely worth a download!
    • OwMyToe

      Posted this review



      - Maps are very similar to Dead Island, so if you enjoyed DI you will definitely like these maps.  Very well done!  Lots of detail, clean and tight.
      - Great mini-finale on Map 4, wasn't expecting that and it was nicely executed.
      - Lots and lots and lots of infected hidey-holes.  Had a tank drop down right in front of me and punch me across the room, screamed like a little girl when it happened.  It really kept us on our toes.
      - Level goals are well labeled without breaking game atmosphere.  The darker suspended text was a great idea - we could still see it, but it wasn't glaring out at you.


      - Finale is slightly confusing - I'm still not sure what you're supposed to do when various parts of the roof light up.  Run to them, maybe?  We ran out of time to run the finale again and figure it out, but we will next time!
      - Some of the sound is slightly off so hordes sound like they're all around you or coming up behind you when they're not.  I think this is due to there being a lot of tunnels and openings for infected to pop out of (ceilings, behind walls, etc.), so perhaps this is intentional.  Not a huge con by any stretch but something I noticed.
      - Able to jump to the saferoom from the upper railing in the sewer level (I forget which map, 3, maybe?) rather than going under and up the ladder.  Not a huge deal, but if it's not intentional you might want to fix it.  We discovered this by accident not realizing you could go along the floor.
      - Really, not a lot of cons.


      This campaign was well-paced and does look a whole lot like Dead Island.  It was really neat moving through familiar environs and seeing how the author adapted DI mechanics for L4D.  I'm also really glad to see a new quality campaign for L4D and that there are mappers still supporting this (superior) game!
      I thought the finale was very creative and the map itself is gorgeous.  I spent a whole lot of time just running around checking it out before we started the finale.  I did like that the SI kept spawning even though we were in the pre-finale period, I always think it's kind of cheesy that everything is quiet just before you call for help, so that was cool.  Lots of places to run around (and away from the tank).
      Just a great campaign, this one is definitely staying in my regular rotation with We Don't Go To Ravenholm, I Hate Mountains, and City 17.  Nice work!
    • 13tisa13

      Posted this review



       - L4D1
       - Very nice Dead island replica
       - Atmosphere
       - Interesting ideas at the finale
      (not a standard one)
       - I love the way you used that not working water rise in the beginning of the sewer level
       - Love how you put boomer in the place of the fat guy in the sewer


       - Pilot in the chopper is visible not attached to it
      (Make a glass or something blocking the survivors to see it since you can't animate it like the chopper model is))
       - That rushing water looks like a block in the sewer
       (So maybe instead of making it go up and down make two brushes and toogle them on off)
       - The finale is weird....tho really awesome with the building going down and all,I think you should have made the survivors run to the first chopper and then when the building falls on the chopper make a canyon from the first chopper place to the second one!
      In that way even players playing it first time will know what to do and where to stand!


      Since I always play l4d I played this map before I played Dead island,I started to play it lately and it's really amazing how you got everything right from it!I could maneuver in dead island maps cause I knew it from this one and it's a really nice replica!
      And really nice ideas in the map too,but in some cases like the finale you still need to work on how to make those ideas work right in l4d!
      Nice job non the less!  
    • Snausages

      Posted this review



      - Really beautiful
      - Varied environments
      - Interesting ideas for the finale
      - Some good level design
      - The rescue was the highlight of the entire campaign


      - Too many tanks; there was one that was glitched during our elevator ride to the saferoom (forgot which chapter), and we never fought it.
      - I find the fact that we can only fortify 3 entrypoints makes the idea kinda pointless since there are so many other entrypoints per building/area; raise to 5 and it'll be fine
      - About as long as a stock campaign, but I honestly wish it were a little longer since all the details/scenery put into this campaign made the entire thing seem like an epic adventure
      - Bots can be stupid beyond belief at the finale


      My friends and I enjoyed it
    • trowzerkoff

      Posted this review



      1. An edge-of-seat action campaign.
      2. A visual delight.
      3. Uses L4D original survivors.
      4. Professional quality thinking and execution.


      Simply cannot think of anything notable.


      This campaign is absolutely first-rate.  Its designers evidently have world class talent and have used it to produce a professional-plus quality campaign that delivers in all ways and at all levels.  A visual and action feast that I cannot praise too highly: this campaign is better than any of the source game's original stanzas.  Bravo lads!
      Any L4D fan would be a fool not to include this stunning winner  in their collection. 
    • left4deadmapdesigners

      Posted this review



      +GREAT detail
      +Awesome, unique intro
      +Great Panic Events
      +Great finale
      +Good path layout


      -The windows on the security booth on the first map before you enter the storage room from the loading docks, turns checkered if you shoot them


      Great map! So fun to play! You are either a really good mapper, or you are secretly a valve member XD

End of results.