Mod Requests

  • As per Kurochama's suggestion I have made a mod request topic as I do have two or three mod requests.
    1: One that makes laser sights available at the start of every campaign.
    2: One that could allow the player to break free of Smokers, Jockeys and Chargers. If it is possible to make such a mod. Why? for those of us that only play single player. Anyone who played L4D2 long enough knows how dumb and even quirky the bot's AI can be. There have been times when the bots didn't come to my rescue from mentioned special infected. Once they even watched my character being hung by a Smoker. The only way I play L4D2 is Gib Fest (Gib Fest Improved actually, I'm using that mod.) the dumbest thing the bots do is ditch their M60s for other weapons should a campaign offer them along the way. 
    3: One that can allow the player to free themselves from a ledge. My reason ties into request 2. Again that's if it can be done. In relation to asking mod requests 2 and 3. I do wonder what Valve was thinking. Unless their focus was on multiplayer. 
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  • 1. As I ever explained before, this can be done using various ways, depending on what you need. For example, it's possible to put the laser upgrade on the saferoom doorway, so each time a survivor leaves saferoom, they'll get a laser upgrade. Another example would be a laser upgrade when picking ammo/ items. It's also possible to use chat to call a laser upgrade. So, which methods do you prefer?
    2. Escaping from special infected can also have various ways. The simplest way would be adding a feature on a key (example: Press "Score (TAB)" key to escape from special infected).  Another method would be to immediately warp bots to a location where the survivor is caught by a special infected & at the same time shoot at the special infected. Bot's weakness is that they take more time to reach a captured survivor & they're too lazy to shoot the special infected as if they're too afraid of friendlyfire (though bots never do a friendlyfire). By making bots warp & shoot the special infected, they will be able to help rescue the captured survivor. Another method would be using a chat command to trigger the escape, but probably it would take time to type a chat during this condition of being captured.
    3. This can also be wrapped together with no. 2, by adding the feature on a key. For example, if pressing "Score (TAB)" when captured by a special infected can make a player escape from the special infected, pressing this key when hanging from the ledge can make a player climb up on their own. This feature can also be used to make a survivor stand on their own when they're incapacitated. Another method would be using a chat command, for example, like typing "climb up" or "get up" chat command will make a survivor climb up when hanging from the ledge or incapacitated. So which methods do you prefer?
    In other words, I can make all those 3 requests & even wrap them as one mod if you want. But it would be better if you can make a list of at least 10 features to be added, for the efficiency of a mod. If you have other ideas in mind about other features, you can add them.
    Here are some examples of special features that I can make:
    1. Full ammo when leaving saferoom.
    2. Bonus items when leaving saferoom.
    3. Full health when leaving a saferoom.
    4. Changing weapon rate of fire during play (normally players can only change rate of fire by modifying the weapon scripts like "weapon_rifle.txt").
    5. "Forbidden Weapons" (removes bot's primary weapons if the weapons are listed in "Forbidden Weapons" feature).
    6. Custom warp feature to warp bots to player's location by using either combo keys (examples: "Score + Use" keys, "Use + Reload" keys etc to warp bots to your location).
    7. Ability to give bots the items/ weapons you have by shoving the bots while holding the items.
    8. No reload/ instant reload feature (you can keep shooting, & once the ammo clip is low, it will be replenished to full ammo clip by automatically consuming the reserve ammo).
    9. Rapid reload on shotguns (you can fully reload shotguns in less than 2 seconds).
    10. Forcing bots to use primary weapons (bots usually change to pistols even when they still have some ammo clip left on the primary guns. This feature can force bots to switch back to primary weapons if they use pistols when there's still ammo clip left on primary weapons.
    11. Scope on all guns (you can use scope mode on any guns, not only limited to snipers & sg552).
    12. Health/ health buffer regen per second/ few seconds (you can get health/ health buffer regen when health is below certain point or below 100).
    13. Etc.
    You can make a list of features you have in mind. & I'll check them to see if the features are possible to be added or not.
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  • Placing the laser sight on the safe room door would work. For mod requests 2 and 3, keying escape from Smoker, Jockey and Charger and pull up from ledge to the TAB button would work for me. No other features would be needed for me as I use other mods that meet my needs. Placing all three as one mod would be fine.
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  • Do you want to include "Rise From Incap" to the TAB key too? If you include this, you can press TAB to get up by yourself when incapacitated.
    Oh & what's the name of the mod that you want? I can name it "Laser Upgrade Bonus + SI Repeller". Or probably you have any ideas for the name of the mod?
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  • I wasn't sure what the name could be for the mod. Yes, Laser Upgrade Bonus + SI Repeller will do. Yes to including Rise From Incap to the TAB key as well.
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  • Well, it's your lucky day. As there were only few features, I managed to finish it today & uploaded it. Here's the Gamemaps link: (Request) Laser Sight Bonus + SI Repeller. You can start to give some comments there if there's anything you need to change or add. & you can leave a review if you're satisfied with the result.
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  • Thanks. I just downloaded it. I'll let you know if anything needs to be changed or added.
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End of results.