Browsing 'half-life' Maps

There are 3 results.
  • 4 Maps
    Black Mesa: Undertow

    Steam link: steamcommunity~com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2669399953 Gamebanana link: gamebanana~com/mods/339409 This is a Half-Life Source map port, made as I started learning Hammer. Tried to create my original map, but took the e...

  • 5 Maps
    Black Mesa Campaign

    Original maps ported from "Half-Life: Source" in Left 4 Dead 2. Going from "Anomalous Materials" to "We Got Hostiles". File Size: 379.17 MB due to lots of Half-Life: Source assets. A small portion of the campaign had to be rebuilt due to...

  • 6 Maps
    Half-Life 2: Route Kanal

    REQUIRES additional addon to display textures: Half-Life 2 Texture Pack (linked below) Chapter 3. Follow the footsteps of Gordon Freeman as our survivors make their way thru the HL2 content. -Exploration is rewarded! THIS CAMPAIGN WILL ...


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