• Mod
    [L4D2] Half-Life 2 Weapon Sound Mod Remake

    Replaces: All Weapons Except CSS Weapons I researched for HL2 weapon sounds since someone made the original HL2 Sound Mod. so, i do the remake with unused weapon sounds back in the HL2 Beta Valve: Original Sound Files KleinerJay: Porte...

  • Mod
    Female Skull Metrocop (Zoey)

    The female skull metrocop from HL2: Survivor for Zoey. It's my favorite player model from Survivor, so I just decided I might as well set it up for L4D2. Includes first person hands based on a combination of Barney's model and Gordon's h...

  • Mod
    HL2 medkit sound V1.2

    Replaces bandaging sound when healing yourself with the health pack with the sound you hear when using the health station in Half-Life 2. Thx to Salem Hunter for the video V1.2- Amplified the sound since my friends told me it was too soft

  • Mod
    CI replaced with Headcrabs

    *UPDATE: NOW WORKS IN MULTI-PLAYER! Get out your crowbar and beat them off, Freeman style! This replaces all the common infected with headcrabbed citizens. *UPDATE* Now includes the fast zombies from HL2.


Browsing 'hl2' Mods

There are 7 results.
  • Mod
    [L4D2] Half-Life 2 Weapon Sound Mod Remake

    Replaces: All Weapons Except CSS Weapons I researched for HL2 weapon sounds since someone made the original HL2 Sound Mod. so, i do the remake with unused weapon sounds back in the HL2 Beta Valve: Original Sound Files KleinerJay: Porte...

  • Mod
    Female Skull Metrocop (Zoey)

    The female skull metrocop from HL2: Survivor for Zoey. It's my favorite player model from Survivor, so I just decided I might as well set it up for L4D2. Includes first person hands based on a combination of Barney's model and Gordon's h...

  • Mod
    HL2 medkit sound V1.2

    Replaces bandaging sound when healing yourself with the health pack with the sound you hear when using the health station in Half-Life 2. Thx to Salem Hunter for the video V1.2- Amplified the sound since my friends told me it was too soft

  • Mod
    CI replaced with Headcrabs

    *UPDATE: NOW WORKS IN MULTI-PLAYER! Get out your crowbar and beat them off, Freeman style! This replaces all the common infected with headcrabbed citizens. *UPDATE* Now includes the fast zombies from HL2.


End of results.