
Reviews by woody9x

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  • Pros:

       - Very well made. You clearly took your time to make sure the details were there.  Only minimal glitches.
      - Good atmosphere
      - Plenty of original / unique content
      - Challenging and a good length
      - All around fun campaign!


      - Inconsistent difficulty.  At the beginning it is too easy with ammo every couple feet, then it gets very hard out of nowhere with much less ammo.
      - The long ladder going down the well in map 4? Cool but all 3 bots fell, 1 got stuck in a falling loop until he died.  Then no hero closet until after the elevator is activated.
      - Confusing 4th map.  I get the elevator needing power so you go back and flip the switch but then there's no help.  After I was about dead I tried the generator.  Why is a generator needed when the power was turned on and why is everything else glowing except that?


       All in all a very fun and well made campaign.  I'd say a little less ammo and more difficulty in the first couple maps and then a little more clarity in the later maps with a few glitches ironed out.  It can be confusing at times but I always found my way pretty easily so I won't complain there.  Nice job!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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