
Reviews by AceSnyp3r

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  • Pros:

    - Unique concept, good execution
    - Mostly intuitive mechanics
    - Difficult, but well balanced
    - No stability issues encountered


    - Singleplayer only
    - Performance issues (see map description)


    From the screenshots and stuff I was a little worried this map would be overly chaotic and try to shove too much stuff in your face, but I was pleasantly surprised. It manages to be fairly easy to catch on to and all the new mechanics are pretty intuitive (shoot vehicles, vehicles explode, simple enough).
    There are two big things holding this map back from being totally awesome. The first is the lack of multiplayer, hopefully we'll see a multiplayer release in the future. The second is an inherent issue with maps like this, in that it tends to be more of a shooting gallery than conventional survival maps, and you don't get much opportunity to win or lose based on intelligent positioning and tactics.
    Bottom line: it's a hell of an ambitious map that accomplishes what it sets out to do. Lots of fun if you don't mind playing singleplayer only, and challenging enough to make you work for a win without feeling like any horribly unbalanced mechanics are making you win/lose. Well worth a download and a play if for no other reason than to try something completely different.
    Note: at the time I played this map, my performance was atrocious. Changing my effects detail setting from high to medium as suggested more than tripled my framerate and made the map perfectly playable. See the map description to determine whether this is still relevant.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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