
Reviews by MeganHunter

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  • Pros:

    New models and textures abound, from Chinese lanterns near giant horse sculptures to Chinese dresses on the witches. Snipers on certain roofs force you to run for cover now and then. All in all, it's a beautiful and intricate campaign that could easily be mistaken for one that came with the game. Excellent work!


    We weren't sure how to push the plow in the finale. After a few tries I found a youtube showing someone repeatedly hitting it with a melee weapon, and this ended in sitcom hilarity for us. Took us awhile to realize you just had to stand by it, like in Team Fortress. Urk! It's too easy to run around it fighting the horde, some specific instructions when you first enter would be great.


    I'm not sure if this campaign won for the China contest, but I can see why it should have! Very well made with a lot of thought put into it. My friends seemed kind of stand-offish about playing mods; this was the first one I showed them and I think it alone changed their minds and put their fears to rest. Keep up the good work.

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