
Reviews by talkenia

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  • Pros:

    -midnight riders!
    -overall feel, i liked the dark sky with lighter fog
    -nicely dark
    -maps fit together nicely
    -good placing of health 


    -got lost in map 2 and had to re-do part of the map because arrow to safe room led us on the bridge so we had to go back trough the sewers
    -coach kept falling off the ladder in map 2
    -although i liked the idea of the many infected, playing with 2 people+ 2 bots on advanced was rather impossible.  (alone on normal was a really nice game tough)


    It is a nice map to play, overall i think it is a good map.
    In the finale tough, because you got a pop-up "on no! the fence is stuck" I nearly killed myself searching for something like a switch or so so i could un-stuck it.. 
    The third map was really nice, and i really like the idea of it, but as i said already, on harder levels it  get rather impossible to play. (retried three times, once encountered a tank while we were already occupied with two jockeys and a charger XD) 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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