A Rampant Ostrich

Reviews by A Rampant Ostrich

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - The campaign was very innovative with plenty of creative events.
    - The HL2 music worked perfectly with it.
    - Map designs were very good and creative.
    - Great panic events.


    - Level detail decreased as the campaign progressed.
    - Countless areas where the bots had nav issues.
    - Tier 1 weapons throughout the entirety of the campaign with the only tier 2 weapon being the hunting rifle.
    - No first aid kits at the beginning of the 3rd and 4th levels.
    - The 3rd level was ridiculously LONG. Cut it in half and make it a 5 map campaign.
    - The stairs in the prison of level 3 slowed you down way to much when you went up them.
    - The bots fell off the train very easily in the 3rd level.
    - A general lack of survivor closets.
    - The finale level was very bland and could use a lot more detail.


    Overall, this campaign is pretty good. It's level design and creative events were very enjoyable, however there was a great decrease in quality as the campaign progressed. Level 3 was just ridiculous. When the bots died at the train I had to fight my way through the last part of the level alone, which included taking down a tank with nothing but a hunting rifle.
    I really think this campaign is great, it just needs more work and I hope to see it more polished in the future.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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