
Hi Welcome to My LFDMaps page. i currently use this account to download New and interesting maps and play them and review them and upload them to my lets play channel on youtube

Reviews by theironpaw

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -the whole res evil idea
    - second level bridge collapse awesome idea 
    - 1st level was great. 
    - puzzles WHERE GREAT to figure out. 
    - playing with a team ready to hold off on tall staircases


    -the infected can be seen through the walls so you can shoot and kill them before you press most of the buttons
    - needs more items that you can use as some kind of cover
    -some of the buttons and campaign objectives made no sense like it could be something that you can see and go ok that's where a button will be but hiding it in some unknown place really gets annoying, i guess making some sort of structure to show the player something is over there.
    - no skybox in the second level all purple with odd lighting


    this map was extreme fun with other players but in some parts it was quite confusing what to do next for example the levels need to be structured that you go sorta one direction but the second level was all over the place but all worked out after stopping and thinking. 
    Overall i enjoyed this map it is sooo fun holding off hordes with only a pistol and limited health packs on tall staircases working together using steam speak to achieve awesomeness. but i only played to the 3rd map in which the maze was confusing with a button that seemed to have done nothing made me quit.
    and there's my constructive criticism, i hope this map will evolve into something much more than it is in the future. but great work man ;)

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