
Just a odd person who plays games whats wrong with that

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Reviews by OmegaSnakey

All Reviews
  • Challenging

    everything is good and its all about working together in all the maps 
    even with the bots, it's still good to play but the finale its all about strategy playing by yourself
    in Multiplayer, teamwork is the goal to beat the game

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Published Items

  • Mod
    Bionicle Campaign Intro

    Replaces the L4D intro music with Bionicle Music :) Dead Center - Decrepit Dungeons The Passing - Flooded Lowlands Dark Carnival - BETA Vezok's Coastline Swamp Fever - Logging Post Hard Rain - Piraka Bluff The Parish - Cleansing Plant T...

  • Mod
    Umineko Campaign Intro

    Can the they survive against the witches...? Replaces the Campaign Intro songs with Umineko :) Dead Center - Music Box 4 mu The Passing - Happy Maria! (instrumental) Dark Carnival - lg_kina9mx Swamp Fever - Minute Darkness Hard R...

  • Mod
    Geth Trooper Voice Rochelle Part 1

    Replaces Rochelle's main voice files(not the passing yet)with the geth trooper but some are muted Notify me if something is wrong with the Mod Note:the reason some are muted is cause hearing the geth over and over kinda gets repetitive...

  • Mod
    Neptunia Escape theme Ver. 4

    First Bionicle, Umineko, now Neptunia is taking over... Itsyourfuneral - The Four Felons Skinonourteeth - to Hell Note: Same as the NETV. 3 the escaoe theme is different from l4d1 and l4d2 and i noticed that the spitter appeared when...


End of results.