Browsing 'Forest / Woods' Maps

There are 3 results.
  • Map
    Qrylz Glades

    This map is actually one of my Left4Dead2 survival maps, so its just been ported over from there to here. This version of the map is alot darker than the Left4Dead2 version (Probably due to the different versions of hammer). There are so...

    • Archived
  • Map
    Rats PayDay 2

    This map is recreation of the first day heist from Rats, so its not 100% the same. This map is actually one of my Left4Dead2 survival maps, so its just been ported over from there to here. So I had to used what I had available to me from...

    • Archived
  • 7 Maps
    White Rooms
    Beta N/A

    WhiteRooms is ideale for poses and making little scenes. This map has seven rooms with three "inside" rooms and four "outside" rooms with different sizes. (Check sreens) I will add other environments on next upcoming updates. If you wan...


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