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  • myljach

    Posted this review


    Short and easy

    Tested on server with sourcemod and 74 plugins, no conflict. Like you say, bot navigation is bad in map 2 and finale where bot not enter in rescue tube.
    Improvements suggestion: 
    level 01:
    - after start switch noise of opening doors is to loud, and later stays after opened, and mess with attack sounds, so u not hear when CI attack you
    - when pass vent, need highlight tractor button, or add message press here
    - after tractor brake fence, need to add like in dead center - info there exist cola, and where to put it to open safe room
    level 02:
    - in Ikea storage 15 cans not gloving, or no message what/where insert cans, so maybe highlight  hole in forklift, and highlight when forklift is full
    - music in Ikea storage is to loud, and cant turn it off, so is annoying, lasts to long 
    level 03:
    - no stairs to stage, need to jump from stairs to tube, and there is button to start finale.

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Version 3.0 Beta

  • Guide
    Custom audio scripts

    Custom audio script override Ever feel tired of the monotonic of L4D2's gunfire ? By default there is no variant or modulation of the gunfire sound, and the game doesn't allow you to modify the sound scripts, but if you mount a new folde...

  • Mod
    Half-Life Source: Einstien [Ellis] (non-steam v...

    "You should have brought your passport, Gordon!" - Dr.Coomer Replaces Ellis Workshop ver. here My Half-Life Source Collection here Huge thanks to мяFunreal and MSF for the guides and videos! Add-on(s) used on screenshots: ...

    • New
  • Guide
    Easter Eggs : How to make 6 Tanks spawn at the ...

    Get 6 tanks to fight on all DS maps Find the gnome (one is hidden on each map) and press the secret buttons (one on each map) to spawn 6 tanks... good luck, ya gone need it !) First button is after the house on truck's plate Second is a...

  • 7 Maps
    Demomania 2
    Beta N/A

    i dunno what i put description here Musics Used: Boombots Bonus theme (in demo4_quiz) crash bandicoot pinstripe potoroo (in demo6_hotel)

